The Ubiquitous Mr. LovegroveDead Can Dance


The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove

Dead Can Dance

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Tekst piosenki: The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

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I thought that you knew it all
Well you've seen it ten times before
I thought that you had it down
With both your feet on the ground
I love slow slow but deep
Feigned affections wash over me
Dream on my dear
And renounce temporal obligations
Dream on my dear
It's a sleep from which you may not awaken
You build me up then you knock me down
You play the fool while I play the clown
We keep time to the beat of an old slave drum
You raise my hopes then you raise the odds
You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in disillusionment
I don't believe you anymore
I don't believe you
I don"t belie you anymore
I dont believe you
I thought that I knew it all
I'd seen all the signs before
I thought that you were the one
In darkness my heart was won
You build me up then you knock me down
You play the fool while I play the clown
We keep time to the beat of an old slave drum
You raise my hopes then you raise the odds
You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in a domestic graveyard
I don't believe you anymore
I don't believe you
Never let it be said
I was untrue
I never found a home
inside of you
Never let it be said

I gave you all my time
I gave you all my time

Brak tłumaczenia!



Dead Can Dance - australijska grupa muzyczna prezentująca alternatywne spojrzenie na world music z wpływami gatunków zaliczanych do szeroko pojętego dark independent. Powstała 1981 r. w Melbourne z inicjatywy Brendana Perry'ego, Simona Monroe i Paula Eriksona. Później do zespołu dołączyła Lisa Gerrard. Zespół rozwiązano w 1998 roku. Ponowna reaktywacja nastąpiła w 2005 roku w związku z planowaną trasą koncertową. Zapis tej trasy został wydany jako album Selections from Europe 2005.

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Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
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