Rough Landing, HollyYellowcard


Rough Landing, Holly


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Tekst piosenki: Rough Landing, Holly

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Left the ground
In black and white
And when the plane went down
The colors all around
I know by now
The Margin's slight
And still I can't get out, she's all I think about
Can't let her go
It's who you know

We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go
Let her go

She moves fast,
Takes control and like a heart attack
I know I can't turn back
And time just passed
Nights moved slow
And she was all I had, I thought I'd never last
Can't let her go
It's who you know

We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go
Let her go

We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight

She calls out the farther that I fly
I love that sound so give me one more line
And from the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go
Let her go
Let her go
Let her go

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Yellowcard - zaliczany do nurtu pop punk, powstał w 1997 roku, w Jacksonville na Florydzie. Zespół oficjalnie zadebiutował w 1997 roku z albumem "Midget Tossing", lecz prawdziwą sławę zespołowi przyniósł rok 2003, czyli data wydania kolejnego krążka o nazwie "Ocean Avenue". Tak zresztą, nazywa się jedna z piosenek umieszczona na tym albumie. Jedną z ciekawszych osób, na którą warto zwrócić uwagę jest Sean Mackin, który w zespole udziela się wokalnie, a także bawi nas grą na skrzypcach elektronicznych. Read more on

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