Lor (Cover by coralina) – Windmill


Lor (Cover by coralina)


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Tekst piosenki: Lor

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Have you seen that man?
Broken pieces of his plan
Taken by the wind
To the place where you have been
Corner of the room
I think I saw your brother moon
He came out of the grey
He was sad, but that's okay

Are you still afraid of nothing?
Are you still afraid of something?
Are you still afraid of wind?
Oh, Windmill,
You're a place where I can cry
You're a place where I can lie
You're a place where I can die

Up, below, so far
Nothing happens in the dark
Are you still afraid?
There is nothing you should say
I saw your brother moon
I hope that you will see him soon
He'll take you with the wind
To the place where you have been

Are you still afraid of nothing?
Are you still afraid of something?
Are you still afraid of wind?
Oh, Windmill,
You're a place where I can cry
You're a place where I can lie
You're a place where I can die

Are you still afraid of nothing?
Are you still afraid of something?
Are you still afraid of wind?
Oh, Windmill,
You're a place where I can cry
You're a place where I can lie
You're a place where I can die

Running 'round the hall
Holding breath and holding soul
Blinded by the moon
Waiting for another noon
Hiding pride so fast
Like it happened in the past
Wind is blowing still
On the hill you have been

Are you still afraid of nothing?
Are you still afraid of something?
Are you still afraid of wind?
Oh, Windmill,
You're a place where I can cry
You're a place where I can lie
You're a place where I can die

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