All The Man That I Need (Orginal) – Whitney Houston ›
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Tekst piosenki: All The Man That I Need
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I used to cry myself to sleep at night
But that was all before he came
I thought love had to hurt to turn out right
But now he's here
It's not the same, it's not the same
He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I've ever seen
He's all I've got
He's all I've got in this world
But he's all the man that I need
And in the morning when I kiss his eyes
He takes me down and rocks me slow
And in the evening when the moon is high
He holds me close and won't let go
He won't let go
He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I've ever seen
He's all I've got
He's all I've got in this world
But he's all the man that I need hee hee hee
Oh oh oh oh
He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I've ever seen
He's all I've got
He's all I've got in this world
But he's all the man that I need
He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I've ever seen
He's all I've got
He's all I've got in this world
But he's all the man that I need
Brak tłumaczenia!
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (ur. 9 sierpnia 1963 r. w East Orange w stanie New Jersey w USA, zm. 11 lutego 2012 r. w Beverly Hills), amerykańska piosenkarka muzyki pop i soul, aktorka i autorka piosenek. Zadebiutowała w połowie lat 80. XX w. wydając album Whitney Houston. Wkrótce międzynarodową sławę przyniosła jej seria 7 światowych przebojów, które dotarły do pierwszego miejsca list przebojów w wielu krajach. Jej popularność trwała także w latach 90. Read more on Last.fm
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