I.O.U. – Victoria Beckham ›
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Tekst piosenki: I.O.U.
Love is such a precious gift
One thing in my life, I know is true and IOU
Deeper than the ocean bay
You touch me like no one could ever do, IOU
And I never could repay that look that's in
Your eyes
I could save up all my kisses
Till the end of time
All my love in my life 'til it's through,
Love is such a precious gift
The currency of life I never knew, now IOU
Keep it for eternity
The vow I made the day, I said I do, IOU
(I did it)
And I never could repay the look that's in
Your eyes
So to pledge myself to you would be no
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
You lay me down on hallowed ground
With one touch of your hand
You hold me like a baby
That's when suddenly I understand
All that you do, I owe it to you
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
And I never could repay the look that's in
Your eyes
I could save up all my kisses
'til the end of time
So to pledge myself to you would be no
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
Yes, I do
(Baby, baby, IOU, IOU, IOU)
All my love in my life 'til it's true, IOU
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Victoria Caroline Beckham, urodzona jako Victoria Caroline Adams (ur. 17 kwietnia 1974 w hrabstwie Hertfordshire w Anglii) - brytyjska piosenkarka, znana także jako "Posh Spice" kiedy występowała w zespole Spice Girls. Jest córką Jackie i Tonnego Adams. Rodzeństwo Victorii to brat Christian i siostra Louise. Debiutowała w zespole pop Spice Girls. Żona angielskiego piłkarza Davida Beckhama (ślub odbył się 4 lipca 1999 roku). Jest uznawana za jedna z najlepiej ubranych kobiet świata[potrzebne źródło].
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