Talking "Bout a RevolutionTracy Chapman


Talking "Bout a Revolution

Tracy Chapman

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Tekst piosenki: Talking "Bout a Revolution

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Don't you know
They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like a whipser
Don't you know
They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper

While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the enemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Poor people gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people gonna rise up
And take what's theirs

Don't you know
You better run, run, run

Oh I said you better
Run, run, run

Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' bout a revolution
Talkin' bout a revolution
While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the enemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Don't you know
They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like a whipser
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' bout a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' bout a revolution
Ooooh, no
Talkin' bout a revolution
Ooooh, no
Talkin' bout a revolution
Ooooh, no

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Tracy Chapman (urodzona 30 marca 1964) jest amerykańską piosenkarką i kompozytorką, najbardziej znaną z jej kilku ponadczasowych przebojów jak "Fast Car" i "Give Me One Reason". Dyskografia: [1988] Tracy Chapman [1989] Crossroads [1992] Matters of the Heart [1995] New Beginning [2000] Telling Stories [2002] Let it Rain [2005] Where You Live [2008] Our Bright Future Urodzona w Cleveland w Ohio Chapman nauczyła się grać na gitarze już w dzieciństwie, studiowała w Tufts University. Read more on

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