Cornflake girl (LIV duet) (piano cover YANTA) – Tori Amos


Cornflake girl (LIV duet) (piano cover YANTA)

Tori Amos

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Tekst piosenki: Cornflake girl (LIV duet)

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TY: Never was a cornflake girl
TY: Thought that was a good solution
TY: Hanging with the raisin girls
JA: She's gone to the other side
JA: Giving us a yo heave ho
TY: Things are getting kind of gross
TY: And I go at sleepy time
JA: This is not really happening
RAZEM: You bet your life it is
RAZEM: You bet your life it is
RAZEM: Oh, honey, you bet your life

TY: It’s a peal out the watchword/Just
JA: peal out the watchword

JA: She knows what's going on
TY: Seems we got a cheaper feel now
TY: All the sweeties are gone
JA: Gone to the other side
JA: With my encyclopedia
RAZEM: They must've paid her a nice price
TY: She's putting on her string bean love
RAZEM: This is not really
RAZEM: This oh this is not really happening
RAZEM: You bet your life it is
RAZEM: You bet your life it is
RAZEM: Oh, honey, you bet your life

TY: Peal our the watchword
TY: Just peal out the watchword

JA: Never was a cornflake girl
TY: Thought that was a good solution

RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?
RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?
RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys?
RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys,
TY: aaa

TY: And the man with the golden gun thinks
TY: he knows so much
TY: Thinks he knows so much yeah
TY: And the man with the golden gun thinks
TY: he knows so much
TY: Thinks he knows so much yeah
TY: And the man with the golden gun thinks
TY: he knows so much
TY: Thinks he knows so much yeah
TY: And the man with the golden gun thinks
TY: he knows so much
TY: Thinks he knows so much yeah

RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?
RAZEM: Oh yes, rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?
RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys?
RAZEM: Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Myra Ellen Amos znana jako Tori Amos (ur. 22 sierpnia 1963 w Newton, Karolina Północna) – amerykańska piosenkarka i pianistka rockowa śpiewająca w stylu soft rock i alternatywny rock. Tori Amos śpiewa, grając jednocześnie na fortepianie przy łagodnym akompaniamencie sekcji rytmicznej, elektrycznych gitar i niekiedy sekcji smyczkowej. Jej utwory, często zbudowane w oparciu o skomplikowane środki stylistyczne, charakteryzują się metaforycznym przesłaniem i osobistym wydźwiękiem. Read more on

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