ElysaTokio Hotel



Tokio Hotel

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Tekst piosenki: Elysa

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Do you ever think of me at night
Do I ever cross your mind
Do you remember the sky in our lungs
Or did you make our
Memories come undone
If you really, if you really the same,
Just let me know
I keep dreaming without sleeping
In this bittersweet afterglow
I should have never told you
That you were the only one
I should have never told you
That you're the reason for this song
Scars were never bleeding
Hearts were beating
Life was freezing
When you were leaving
I miss your feeling
I miss you every single day
If you can hear me
Come back and stay
I wanna blame the sky for
Every time I think of you
I wanna blame every goodbye that
Made me drown into my blues
If you really feel if you really the same
Just let me know
I keep dreaming without sleeping
In this bittersweet afterglow
I should have never told you
That you were the only one
I should have never told you
That you're the reason for this song
Scars were never bleading
Hearts were beating
Life was freezing
When you were leaving
No fight I wouldn't have fought for you
But I can't love you anymore
Cause you
You left to the stars
My world fell apart
Now that you live in the dark
I should have never told you
That you were the only one
I should have never told you
That you're the reason for this song
Scars were never bleadi-i-ing
Hearts were beati-i-ing
Life was freezi-i-ing
When you were leavi-i-ing

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Tokio Hotel (wcześniej znany pod nazwą "Devilish") to niemiecki zespół wykonujący muzykę rozrywkową. Zarówno zespół, jak i przynależność gatunkowa jego stylu wzbudzają wiele kontrowersji: najczęstsze określenia to muzyka pop. Początkowo zespół tworzyli tylko bliźniacy Bill i Tom Kaulitzowie, około roku 2001 dołączyli do nich rok starszy Gustav Schäfer i o dwa lata starszy Georg Listing. Zadebiutowali w lipcu 2005 klipem "Durch den Monsun" i znaleźli się z nim na niemieckich listach przebojów. Read more on Last.fm

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Muzyka: brak danych
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