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Tim Hortons, often lovingly referred to simply as "Tim's," is a renowned Canadian fast-food restaurant chain that has ingrained itself deeply into the country's cultural fabric. Founded in 1964 by its namesake, former professional ice hockey player Tim Horton, and Jim Charade, the restaurant began as a single location in Hamilton, Ontario. Over the years, it has evolved into a beloved symbol of Canadian identity, offering a wide range of coffee, donuts, and other comfort food items.

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Kilka słów o mnie

Tim Hortons, often lovingly referred to simply as "Tim's," is a renowned Canadian fast-food restaurant chain that has ingrained itself deeply into the country's cultural fabric. Founded in 1964 by its namesake, former professional ice hockey player Tim Horton, and Jim Charade, the restaurant began as a single location in Hamilton, Ontario. Over the years, it has evolved into a beloved symbol of Canadian identity, offering a wide range of coffee, donuts, and other comfort food items.


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    24 sierpnia 2023