WatainThey Rode On



They Rode On

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Tekst piosenki: Watain

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Out of the dark, into the light,
In the dawn of terrestrial birth
New-born yet older than time,
Conceived in the depths of the earth
Though strange lay the waters
From which they emerged,
They glanced upon the world as their own
Yet deep in their hearts
They knew all the time
That this was not really their home
So they rode on
Yes, they rode on
On hidden roads, through barren wastelands,
Untrodden by both man and beast
From the distance their fire was gleaming
Like a lamp amidst dark eternity
A bitter moon hovered above them
The night lit sole by its glow
From high in a sky of ominous dye
In which dark clouds drifted slow
So they rode on
Yes, they rode on
They rode with shut eyes as the sun rose
Regardless of earth's vanity
But with wide open eyes, they paced the night
And pondered its mysteries
They sat at the crossroads
With high and with low,
Yet neither could alter their course
Riches were offered unto them,
Yet indifferent and without remorse
They rode on
Yes, they rode on
And each lonely vagrant
That crossed their path,
Felt how his heart grew cold
Yet be marvelled at their scarred faces,
So beautiful, distant and old
Some say they've heard them singing
In strange tongues of melancholy;
Of the gods, of the night, and of glory
Of the dead, and their memory
So they rode on
Yes, they rode on
Say goodbye to the light
Come twilight, come dark night
Say goodbye to the light,
Come twilight, come dark night
Could you have rode there with them?
Would you have joined their march?
Or would you have them ride on?
Away into the dark?
Would you have been able to let go?
Of illusions of right and of wrong?
And if they came to die;
Would you have rode on?

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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