StonesThe Hardkiss



The Hardkiss

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Tekst piosenki: Stones

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Long ago wisemen were
Walking through a desert over there
They were running away from this world

Long ago wisemen truly found
That indeed our planet is round
And there's no way to run away

And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world

It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones

It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones

Ever since time has passed
Through the years, through the north and west
They were looking at us out of the sand

People were falling in love again
People were fighting till the end
And the wisemen were keeping the secret from us

And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world

It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones

It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones

It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Hardkiss to niezależny zespół muzyczny z Kijowa, prezentujący wyjątkową kompozycję rocka, popu i muzyki elektronicznej. Muzycy określają go mianem „progresywnego popu”. To połączenie pozornie niespójnych elementów: mocnej aranżacji, melodyjnego brzmienia, głębokich tekstów oraz soulowego wokalu Julii Saninej, których efektem jest nie tylko muzyka na żywo, ale spektakularne widowisko. Nominowany do krajowej nagrody MTV EMA (w kategorii: NAJLEPSZY UKRAIŃSKI ARTYSTA) Read more on

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