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Tekst piosenki: Antigravity

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

The more I fight
The more I work
The more I dig
Into the dirt
To be fed up
To be let down
To somehow
Turn it all around
But then fate knocks
Me to my knees
And sets new heights
Beyond my reach
The earth
Below concrete
The whole world
Shackled to my feet
It falls away
Into the great escape
Over walls and weights
This anti-gravity
Taking over me
And far below
The carnivores
Are looking up
To where I soar
Above the clouds
Above the storm
Above the earth
I am transformed!
The energy
Has set me free
And pulled me
Through the galaxy
I've risen up
Beyond the sky
I am awake
I am alive!
As it
Falls away
Into the great escape
Over walls
And weights
This anti-gravity
Let it fly
Through the universe
Into the outer space
Over walls
And weights
This anti-gravity
Taking over me
(I won't come down!)
If you wanna break free

You know where to find me

If you wanna break free

You know where to find me

If you wanna break free

You know where to find me

If you wanna break free

You know where
You know where
It falls away
Into the great escape
Over walls and weights
This anti-gravity
Let it fly
Through the universe
Into the outer space
Over walls
And weights
This anti-gravity

If you wanna break free

You know where to find me

If you wanna break free

You know where
You know where


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Starset to amerykański zespół rockowy pochodzący z Columbus w stanie Ohio, założony przez Dustina Bates w 2013 roku. Swój debiutancki album Transmissions wydali tego samego roku, a ich drugi krążek - Vessels - zobaczył światło dzienne w 2017 roku. Aktualni członkowie: Dustin Bates – głowny wokal, keyboard, soundboard, gitara Ron DeChant – bass, keyboard, backing vocals Brock Richards – głowny gitarzysta, backing vocals Adam Gilbert – perkusja

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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