Living next door to AliceSmokie


Living next door to Alice


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Tekst piosenki: Living next door to Alice

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… Sally called, when she got the word
She said "I suppose you've heard about Alice"
Well, I rushed to the window,
And I looked outside
And I could hardly believe my eyes
This big limousine pulled slowly
Into Alice's drive
… Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons
But I just don't want a know
'Cause for twenty four years
I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty four years, just waitin' for a chance
To tell her how I'm feeling,
Maybe get a second glance
Now I've got a get used to not living next
Door to Alice
… Grew up together, two kids in the park
Carved our initials deep in the bark
Me and Alice
Now she walks to the door,
With her head held high
Just for a moment, I caught her eye
As the big limousine pulled slowly
Out of Alice's drive
… Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons
But I just don't want a know
'Cause for twenty four years
I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty four years, just waitin' for a chance
To tell her how I'm feeling,
Maybe get a second glance
Now I've got a get used to not living next
Door to Alice
… Sally called back, and asked how I felt
She said "I know how to help,
You get over Alice"
She said "Now Alice is gone,
But I'm still here
You know I've been waiting twenty four years"
And the big limousine disappeared
… I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons
But I just don't want a know
'Cause for twenty four years
I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty four years, just waitin' for a chance
To tell her how I'm feeling,
Maybe get a second glance
Now I'll never get used to not
Living next door to Alice
No, I'll never get used to not
Living next door to Alice

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Smokie - brytyjski zespół soft rockowy Chris Norman, Alan Silson i Terry Uttley, filary zespołu Smokie, znali się już w szkole. Ich pierwszy zespół nazywał się The Yen, wkrótce przybrał nazwę The Sphynx. Po ukończeniu szkoły zaczęli podróżować i grać koncerty w klubach i pubach robotniczych. W 1968 roku po wielkokrotnych zmianach nazwy swojego zespołu nazwali się The Elizbethans. Mimo wielkich starań: rozsyłania nagrań demo do wytwórni Read more on

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