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TrackoBit took birth when two friends eager towards innovation came together back in 2017. They were looking to bring forth their creativity which took the shape of a B2B SaaS startup model as an infallible Best Fleet Management Software With our mission being reconstruction of the logistics sector by mitigating industry issues via automation, we aim to use geospatial analytics efficiently. This is why our diverse services include- GPS Tracking Solution, Employee management software, attendance management software, route management software, Video Telematics Software and so much more. These features have helped our clients boost their profitability and become time efficient.

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Kilka słów o mnie

TrackoBit took birth when two friends eager towards innovation came together back in 2017. They were looking to bring forth their creativity which took the shape of a B2B SaaS startup model as an infallible Best Fleet Management Software With our mission being reconstruction of the logistics sector by mitigating industry issues via automation, we aim to use geospatial analytics efficiently. This is why our diverse services include- GPS Tracking Solution, Employee management software, attendance management software, route management software, Video Telematics Software and so much more. These features have helped our clients boost their profitability and become time efficient.


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    29 grudnia 2022