Miley Cyrus

@smaylii Nashville


Kilka słów o mnie

Zobacz więcej

Welcome. ! 🙂🙂
I am Miley Cyrus I am 17 years old, I heard that
many people to redouble efforts to fight me here and the growth of Ising wore his site.
Many people say that it is not true because there is no time, yes it is true, and therefore I will try to spend as much time for you through tours.! We'd like to greet my fans and not only ; **. Kisses

Najnowsze nagrania

@smaylii nie ma jeszcze nagrań

@smaylii nie ma jeszcze nagrań

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Kilka słów o mnie

Welcome. ! 🙂🙂
I am Miley Cyrus I am 17 years old, I heard that
many people to redouble efforts to fight me here and the growth of Ising wore his site.
Many people say that it is not true because there is no time, yes it is true, and therefore I will try to spend as much time for you through tours.! We'd like to greet my fans and not only ; **. Kisses


  • 🎤🎤 Śpiewanie dla mnie jest:
  • 🗣🗣 Mój głos brzmi podobnie do:
  • 🎧🎧 Ulubiony gatunek muzyki:
    Many of them


  • Nagrań:
  • Łącznie odsłuchań:
  • Odwiedzin profilu:
  • Na iSing od:
    30 października 2010