Snuff (Acoustic Version) – Slipknot


Snuff (Acoustic Version)


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Tekst piosenki: Snuff

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage
For what resembles rage again

So if you love me, let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I can't destroy what isn't there
Deliver me into my fate, if I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you
My smile was taken long ago,
If I can change I hope I never know

I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss
I couldn't face a life without your light
But all of that was ripped apart,
When you refused to fight

So save your breath, I will not care
I think I made it very clear
You couldn't hate enough to love
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend
Then I could hurt you in the end
I never claimed to be a saint
My own was banished long ago,
It took the death of hope to let you go

So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself
And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away, you're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
My love was punished long ago
If you still care, don't ever let me know

If you still care, don't ever let me know

Brak tłumaczenia!



Slipknot 1) Amerykańska grupa wykonująca muzykę z pogranicza nu metalu, alternative metalu i heavy metalu. Zespół powstał w 1995 w Des Moines w stanie Iowa w wyniku współpracy perkusistów Shawna Crahana i Andersa Colsefniego. Cechą charakterystyczną grupy jest liczny dziewięcioosobowy skład. Ponadto muzycy występują w zasłaniających twarze maskach. Obecnie w skład wchodzi ośmiu członków z powodu śmierci basisty Paula Graya 24 maja 2010 roku. Read more on

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