It’s Only LoveSimply Red


It’s Only Love

Simply Red

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Tekst piosenki: It’s Only Love

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It's only love, it's only love
It's only love, it's only love
Don't be afraid to touch me, babe
Girl, let's be real
There's nothing wrong
With the way we're carrying on
So enjoy and live, becuse
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling, girl,
You're felling
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're giving,
You're giving
I wanna stay with you night and day
Until the end of time
It's okay when you lay
Lay your body next to mine, because
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling, girl,
You're felling
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're giving,
You're giving
I wanna stay with you night and day
Until the end of time
It's okay when you lay
Lay your body next to mine, because
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling, girl,
You're felling
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're giving, yeah
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're giving
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're giving
It's only love doing its thing, baby
It's only love that you're feeling

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Simply Red - brytyjska grupa muzyczna utworzona w 1984 roku przez lidera grupy Micka Hucknalla. Największym sukcesem grupy jest płyta Stars z 1991 roku z najpopularniejszymi jej przebojami: Stars oraz Something Got Me Started. Grupa Simply Red postanowiła zakończyć działalność po 25 latach kariery. Wiadomość przekazał lider formacji Mick Hucknall. - Uznałem, że 25 lat to wystarczająco dużo - wyjaśnił. W 2009 roku odbyła się pożegnalna trasa zespołu. Read more on

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