
@selenademi 32 lata


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Hi everyone😉😉
I greet you, my dear Polish fans.
Listen. Maybe my profile is not on any of my official website, but it's really me. I set up an account so that you may be able to talk with me and learn more about me.
I'll record a conversation with both me and my friend Demi and sometimes we sing. I do it for fun; ***
Do send me an invitation, write your message will certainly try to tell, and if you do not have time just for the fact that I am busy.
I greet you and kiss

I welcome you dear, * ❤❤❤

I have a surprise for you. On this occasion, that is no longer with us we will be able to Demi for you to do something together. You can also ask us questions (both me and Demi) at the profile or in private messages, surely will get back;]


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    13 października 2010