Now! – Sandra ›
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Tekst piosenki: Now!
Now, I can really see the light
After years of being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, I want you on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness
I would never ever see the light like now
I lived for years without knowing (without
What is illusion, what is real (what is real)
All around smiling people, empty talkings
Many friends, but only when there is no
Need, oh no
When the time is rough and it's so cold
But one's helping, but you, facing the
Now, I can really see the light
After years of being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, I want you on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness
I would never ever see the light like now
You know I can see the light
You know I can see the light
When the time is rough and it's so cold
But one's helping, but you, facing the
Now, I can really see the light
After years of being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Oh you, I want you on my side
After days of loneliness
After years of emptiness
Oh oh, now, I can really see the light
After years of being blind
Self-destruction in my mind
Brak tłumaczenia!
1. Sandra Cretu - niemecka wokalistka 2. Sandra - polska wokalistka śpiewająca R'N'B. ad 1. Sandra Cretu urodziła się w Saarbrücken jako Sandra Ann Lauer. Niemiecka piosenkarka, znana głównie jako solistka pod pseudonimem Sandra. Pierwszym jej nagraniem był zrealizowany w roku 1974 singiel "Andy, mein Freund". W latach 1979-1984 Sandra występowała w dziewczęcym trio Arabesque, który największą popularność zdobył w Japonii, gdzie wydał 13 albumów płytowych i 30 singli. Read more on Last.fm
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