

Sabrina Carpenter

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Tekst piosenki: Thumbs

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

Somewhere in the world there,
Is a father and a mother
And the father is a son, who has a mother
The mother has a daughter who gets married
To the brother of a mother
And they all just tryna multiply
With one another
'Cause that's just the way of the world
It never ends till the end,
then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
Somewhere in the world,
They think they're working for themselves
They get up everyday to go to work for
Someone else
And somebody works for them and,
so, they think they got it made
But they're all just working
To get paid the very same
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
Somewhere in the world,
You got a robber and a bank
And the bank robbed the people,
So the people rob the bank
And the police came to get him,
But they let him get away
'Cause they're all just workin'
To get paid the very same
'Cause that's just the way of the world
It never ends till the end,
Then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
Don't believe everything that you hear
Let it go through your left and right ear
Don't just march to the beat of that drum
Don't be one of them people just twiddlin'
Them thumbs
'Cause that's just the way of the world
It never ends till the end,
And then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
And so, they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
They keep on, they keep on
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs
Cause that's just the way of the world

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


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