When The Music DiesSabina Babayeva


When The Music Dies

Sabina Babayeva

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Tekst piosenki: When The Music Dies

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You, you are my best friend
You are my everything, so don’t leave me now
You, you are the best of me
The reason that I believe, so don’t leave me now
And I try to keep us alive
But you’re cold, cold, cold
Now every second that my heart skips, it ends
But I still wanna keep us alive
But it’s cold, cold, cold, cold when the music dies
It’s all black and white and there’s no sunrise
When the music dies
No you, you can’t even look at me
Still not gonna speak to me
And I try to keep us alive
But you’re cold, cold, cold
Now every second that my heart skips, it ends
But I try to keep us alive
But it’s cold, cold, cold, cold
When the music dies
It gets cold and there’s no sunrise
So cold
Now every second that my heart skips, it ends
Oh… try to keep us alive
But you’re cold, cold, so cold
Every second my heartbeat ends
Still I try to keep us alive
But you’re cold, cold, cold
When the music dies

Brak tłumaczenia!


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