Carolus RexSabaton


Carolus Rex


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Tekst piosenki: Carolus Rex

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All embrace me
It's my time to rule at last
15 years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne

No allegiance
I will swear no oath

Crowned by God, not by the church, as my power is divine
They thought I was too young to rule the land,
Just as they failed to understand, born to rule
My time has come

I was chosen by heaven
Say my name when you pray to the skies
See Carolus rise
With the lord my protector,
Make them bow to my will
To the skies, see Carolus rise!
To the skies, see Carolus rise!

Proved in battle, led my men to victory
No man, alive or dead, commands me
I answer to the lord
Hear my orders, question me and die!
What I say was said in heaven and so it shall be done

I know I was destined to rule alone,
All for myself I have claimed the throne
Born to rule
My time is now!

I was chosen by heaven
Say my name when you pray to the skies
See Carolus rise
With the lord my protector, make them bow to my will
To the skies, see Carolus rise!
To the skies, see Carolus rise!

All that’s thine, shall be mine there’s no stopping me
All over Europe my rule shall be questioned by none
All I see, give to me, that is my decree
My will be done

They thought I was too young to rule the land,
Just as they failed to understand, born to rule
My time is now

I was chosen by heaven
Say my name when you pray to the skies
See Carolus rise
To the skies
With the lord my protector, make them bow to my will
To the skies see Carolus rise
To the skies see Carolus rise

Brak tłumaczenia!



Sabaton to szwedzki zespół power metalowy założony na przełomie lat 1998/1999. Początkowo zespół nosił nazwę "Aeon" i chciał grać black metal. Po dołączeniu do zespołu wokalisty zespół brnął w inny rodzaj muzyki, a jego nazwa została zmieniona. Tematami ich utworów są przeważnie wojna (historyczne bitwy), historia i militaria. Taka tematyka dominuje na wszystkich płytach zespołu, z wyjątkiem albumu "Metalizer" oraz "Fist for Fight". Read more on

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