Blood of BannockburnSabaton


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Tekst piosenki: Blood of Bannockburn

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Now that our time has come to fight
Scotland must unite
We'll make a stand on Stirling ground
To put a challenge to the crown
We are one, we have come
We're here break and end the occupation
We have our nation's fate in hand
It's time we make our final stand

Rally all the clans
Englishmen advance
Blood of Bannockburn
Point of no return

Join the Scottish revolution
Freedom must be won by blood
Now we call for revolution
Play the pipes and cry out loud

We need a king to rule our land
Bruce is in command
It is the crown that in his sight
And it's the reason we will fight
To attack, send them back
And then we'll see to Bruce's coronation
We are the scots with pikes in hand
And we will die to claim our land

Rally all the clans
Halted English plans
Charge of Bannockburn
Freedom we shall earn

Join the Scottish revolution
Freedom must be won by blood
Now we call for revolution
Play the pipes and cry out loud

And as the hammer lost it's crown
And a weak heir to succeed it
Play the tunes of victory
Play them higher and higher tonight

Wallace show the way
Led us to this day
Here at Bannockburn
Freedom we have earned

Join the Scottish revolution
Freedom must be won by blood
Now we call for revolution
Play the pipes and cry out loud

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Sabaton to szwedzki zespół power metalowy założony na przełomie lat 1998/1999. Początkowo zespół nosił nazwę "Aeon" i chciał grać black metal. Po dołączeniu do zespołu wokalisty zespół brnął w inny rodzaj muzyki, a jego nazwa została zmieniona. Tematami ich utworów są przeważnie wojna (historyczne bitwy), historia i militaria. Taka tematyka dominuje na wszystkich płytach zespołu, z wyjątkiem albumu "Metalizer" oraz "Fist for Fight". Read more on

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