Bismarck – Sabaton ›
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Tekst piosenki: Bismarck
From the mist a shape, a ship is taking form
And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm
Sign of power,
Show of force
Raise the anchor battleship plotting its course
Pride of a nation a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion king of the ocean
He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tonnes of steel
Set the course for the Atlantic
With the allies on their heel
Battlestations, keep the targets steady in sight
Into formation, the hunt has begun
Death and damnation, the fleet is coming
He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
At the bottom of the ocean the depths of the abyss
They are bound by iron and blood
The flagship of the navy the terror of the seas
His guns have gone silent at last
Pride of a nation a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion king of the ocean
He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
To lead the warmachine
Rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
To lead the warmachine
Rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
Brak tłumaczenia!
Brak teledysku
Sabaton to szwedzki zespół power metalowy założony na przełomie lat 1998/1999. Początkowo zespół nosił nazwę "Aeon" i chciał grać black metal. Po dołączeniu do zespołu wokalisty zespół brnął w inny rodzaj muzyki, a jego nazwa została zmieniona. Tematami ich utworów są przeważnie wojna (historyczne bitwy), historia i militaria. Taka tematyka dominuje na wszystkich płytach zespołu, z wyjątkiem albumu "Metalizer" oraz "Fist for Fight". Read more on Last.fm
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Inne piosenki Sabaton (19)
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