Born Yesterday – Rob Dougan ›
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Tekst piosenki: Born Yesterday
She thinks that I was born yesterday
She thinks that I go out with the tide
And fade at the end of the day
She thinks that my hairs aren’t numbered
And when pricked I don’t cry in pain
Just ‘cause I smile like a child
Born yesterday
And she thinks that I was born in another age
She thinks that I get up with the Sun
And dream my life away
And she thinks ‘cause I’m saying nothing
That I’ve got nothing to say
Just ‘cause I smile like a child
Born yesterday
Born yesterday,born yesterday, born yesterday
Born yesterday, born yesterday
And she thinks that I was born yesterday
She thinks that I came into this world
(born without a name)
And she thinks that I’m going nowhere
‘cause I say in one place
And ‘cause I smile like a child
Born yesterday
Born yesterday,born yesterday, born yesterday
Born yesterday, born yesterday
Brak tłumaczenia!
Brak teledysku
Rob Dougan (znany także jako Rob D, ur. 1965 w Sydney) - kompozytor muzyczny tworzący muzykę będącą mieszanką różnych stylów. Miesza filmową muzykę orkiestrową, beaty trip hopowe i bluesowe wokale, opakowując to w muzykę elektroniczną. Jest znany głównie z utworu "Clubbed to Death" wydanego na singlu w 1995 i zamieszczonego w 1999 na soundtracku filmu Matrix. W 2002, 7 lat po singlu wydał debiutancki album Furious Angels. W 1990, jego przyjaciel Rollo Armstrong sprowadził Roba z Australii do Londynu.
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