You've Got TimeRegina Spektor


You've Got Time

Regina Spektor

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Tekst piosenki: You've Got Time

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

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The animals, the animals
Trapped, trapped, trapped 'til the cage is full
The cage is full, stay awake
In the dark, count mistakes
The light was off but now it's on
Searching underground for a bit of sun
The sun is out, the day is new
And everyone is waiting, waiting on you

And you've got time
And you've got time

Think of all the roads
Think of all their crossings
Taking steps is easy
Standing still is hard
Remember all their faces
Remember all their voices
Everything is different
The second time around

The animals, the animals
Trapped, trapped, trapped 'til the cage is full
The cage is full, stay awake
In the dark, count mistakes
The light was off but now it's on
Searching underground for a bit of sun
The sun is out, the day is new
And everyone is waiting, waiting on you

And you've got time
And you've got time
And you've got time

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Regina Spektor (ros. Регина Спектор), urodzona 18 lutego 1980 w Moskwie amerykańska piosenkarka, autorka piosenek i pianistka. Jej muzyka jest kategoryzowana do środowiska anti-folk, skoncentrowanego w nowojorskim East Village. Spektor pochodzi z muzykalnej rodziny, jej ojciec, fotograf, był skrzypkiem, a matka była profesorem muzyki w rosyjskim konserwatorium (obecnie uczy w publicznej szkole podstawowej w Mount Vernon, Nowy Jork). Read more on

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