Miley Cyrus

@realmilcyrus 31 lat, LA/ Nashville


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Hello to all my beloved fans! =]
I'm the REAL Miley Ray Cyrus.
Probably you will wonder at the Polish side of Miley .. but she can not explain it exactly. I only know that the fans have written to me on Twitter so I set up a account here because I feel a lot of fans. So here I am.
And on my official website has been written assuming that the account on Ising and Twiiter.
I also noticed that there is here a lot of bogus accounts, Miley .. but do not worry I'm the real Miley Ising. You will see here my recordings with a microphone and later with the webcam. You can also talk to me through skype which will soon be on my profile.
On the Ising I will not be quite often since .. I have concerts and record my new video L.O.L. Each side will consist of my family and friends with whom you can be contacted.
On my profile every day or every two days will be my private pictures, 2010. From fans and friends and family.
They have also recorded the Ising my song sung by me..'' When I look at you''.
I greet all of my greatest fans in the world.

My contact :

My official website:

Official FunClub

Official Myspace Page

Miley and Mandy Show

Private facebook:

Skype :


  • 🎤🎤 Śpiewanie dla mnie jest:
    I love to sing for my fans .. and I owe it all to my family who taught me how to respect other people .. and even more fans! Love you =]
  • 🗣🗣 Mój głos brzmi podobnie do:
    My dad.
  • 🎧🎧 Ulubiony gatunek muzyki:
    Rock and Pop.
  • 👍👍 Lubię:
    Hanging out with friends in town, talking with fans and ice cream Caramel and Coffee! Mmm😊😊
  • 👎👎 Nie lubię:
    Green,lie people.


  • Nagrań:
  • Łącznie odsłuchań:
  • Odwiedzin profilu:
  • Na iSing od:
    24 października 2010