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@raetposob Waterford


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Title: "Branded EwMae3 say"

[Verse 1]
Ewe say I'm branded, scarred for Life
Property of this government's knife
No chance, no way, I stand my ground
You're the one hiding, who's the bitch now?

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game

[Verse 2]
Tattooed with lies, marked by your hand
But I refuse to be your brand
In the darkness, I find my light
This is my rebellion, my fight

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game

I am not your possession, not your toy
I am not defined by your ploy
I am free, I am fierce, I am me
Unleashed, unchained, finally free

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game

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  • 4:08

    Hallelujah – Rufus Wainwright

    Go to CIA.gov FOIA Secondary Navigation Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room Requestor Portal Historical Collections Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help Search formSearch Query for FOIA ERR: -AA+A MISSION TO SOUTH VIETNAM AND SOUTHEAST ASIA Document Type: CREST Collection: General CIA Records Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP67B00446R000400090012-6 Release Decision: RIFPUB Original Classification: K Document Page Count: 22 Document Creation Date: December 16, 2016 Document Release Date: June 20, 2005 Sequence Number: 12 Case Number: Publication Date: July 13, 1966 Content Type: OPEN File: Attachment Size PDF icon CIA-RDP67B00446R000400090012-6.pdf 3.85 MB Body: Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400090012-6 July 11i, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE (Mrs. DWYER (at the request of Mr. QUILLEN) was granted permission to ex- tend her remarks at this point in the RECORD and. to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mrs. DWYER'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] (Mrs. DWYER (at the request of Mr. QUILLEN) was granted permission to ex- tend her remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mrs. DWVER'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] THE HONORABLE JUDGE HOWARD SMITH (Mr. WATSON (at the request of Mr. QUILLEN) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, if pres- ent returns from the elections in Virginia are certified, this body will lose the serv- ices of our esteemed colleague, the gen- tleman from Virginia, Judge HOWARD SMITH, one of our most able, dedicated and courageous leaders. His defeat will result in further suffering, not only for our beloved Southland, but for all Ameri- cans who love the Constitution. I am not passing Judgment on the voters of Virginia, but the results of this election presents ample evidence that the Democratic Party has fallen into the hands of the new left. Even now we read where the liberal Democrats of the House are plotting to prevent the gentle- man from Mississippi, Congressman BILL COLMER, from succeeding Judge SMrrx. These events further convince me that the hope for saving this Nation is to be found in the Republican Party. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. GILLIGAN. Mr. Speaker, on roll- call No. 159 of July 12, 1966, I was not recorded as voting. I was unable to be present in the House because of official business. Mr. Speaker, had I been present I would have voted "aye." GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members be permitted to revise and extend their re- marks during the general debate today on H.R.15750, The SPEAKER. Is the a objection to the request of the gentle an from New Jersey? There was no c /e fo . MISSION TO SOUTH VIETNAM AND SOUTHEAST ASIA The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. KBESS). Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from North Caro- lina [Mr. WHITENER] is recognized for 30 minutes. No. 111-12 (Mr. WHITENER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. WHITENER. Mr. Speaker, the mission to South Vietnam and southeast Asia in which I participated during the 4th of July recess was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I ex- press to you, Mr. Speaker, and to the President my appreciation for being in- cluded in this mission of 14 Members of the House of Representatives who were privileged to see at firsthand the activities of our Government in south- east Asia in such a vivid manner. On yesterday I commented briefly upon this mission when the gentleman from New York [Mr. MURPHY] gave his.report to the Members of the House. Today I would like to give a more detailed state- ment of my observations and experiences while on this grueling, but exciting, inspection. MISSION OF THE DELEGATION Mr. Speaker, the mission assigned to our delegation by the President and by you was to make a study of the role of the United States in the Vietnamese con- flict. This mission was not limited to military activity but was to include a look at the civic action efforts being carried on by both the military and civilian agencies of our Government. We were then to report to you and. the President our findings and our recommendations. We were under the favorable condition of having a direction from the President we were to that permitted to see any- thing that we desired at any place in South Vietnam. This resulted in the necessity of our group dividing itself in order that we might collectively bring back as thorough a report as practicable after a 9-day study of our southeast Asian involvement. This we did. Mr. GILLIGAN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. WHITENER. I shall be happy to yield to the gentleman from Ohio. Mr. GILLIGAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from North Carolina for yielding. Mr. Speaker, as the gentleman from North Carolina knows, and as I believe many Members of the House know, all of the Members who composed this com- mittee which went on the trip to Vietnam and to southeast Asia were combat vet- erans of World War II or Korea. Mr. Speaker, I believe the Members of the House and our distinguished col- leagues now present should recognize that the gentleman now occupying the well of the House CMr. WHITENER] is a distinguished naval officer of World War II and that he served as a gunnery officer and received a Navy commendation from Secretary Knox which cited him for his courageous initiative under fire. Mr. Speaker, as one of many who have been decorated in the past and who were on this trip, the gentleman from North Carolina distinguished himself not only in his service during World War II and in his service to this House of Repre- sentatives, but in his service to the com- mittee during our explorations of the problems in southeast Asia. 14799 Mr. WHITENER. I thank my friend, the gentleman from Ohio, for his com- ments. I might say to our colleagues in the House since the gentleman from Ohiq.. and I were both navy gunnery officers, we did have a community of interest as we worked together on this mission which we felt was important, and I can say to my colleagues there was no more val- uable contributions made during the entire trip than the contributions made by the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GILLIGAN]. He and all of the others were dedicated to the task and I hope and I know that he shares the hope that the several reports we will make will indi- cate that we did view our mission as a serious one and as an important one for our country. It was my privilege to go to the north- ernmost sector, the I Corps area, and the II Corps area, in addition to visiting in Saigon and surrounding territory, in- cluding much of the III Corps area. I regret that I was not able to participate in any inspection in the southerly IV Corps area. From the reports that we received at our briefings and discussions we were able to get much information as to our situation there which had not been available to us in the past. The IV Corps area being under the military area of authority primarily assigned to the forces of the Republic of Vietnam and other free world nations, we felt we could best spend our limited time in the areas of the primary responsibility of U.S. forces. To accomplish the widespread per- sonal observations that I and other members of our group were able to make required the cooperation of Ambassador Lodge and General Westmoreland and many others under their command. I feel that every effort was made by those gentlemen to assist us in accomplishing our desired purpose, bearing in mind al- ways the limited amount of time avail- able to our group. While there may have been hesitancy at times in going along with our personal requests as to areas of visitation, I can assure everyone that the infrequent re- luctance displayed by the military was in the interest of the safety of the in- dividual Members of Congress. When we persisted, our requests were granted. This resulted in our being able to ac- tually witness combat at first hand and to fly over areas wh
    2 odtworzenia 0 komentarzy
    12 czerwca 2024
  • 4:03

    Stay ft. Mikky Ekko – Rihanna

    Go to CIA.gov FOIA Secondary Navigation Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room Requestor Portal Historical Collections Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help Search formSearch Query for FOIA ERR: -AA+A SCIENCE AND PSYCHIC POWER Document Type: CREST Collection: STARGATE Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): NSA-RDP96X00790R000100040008-6 Release Decision: RIFPUB Original Classification: K Document Page Count: 3 Document Creation Date: November 4, 2016 Document Release Date: April 1, 2008 Sequence Number: 8 Case Number: Publication Date: October 20, 1973 Content Type: OPEN SOURCE File: Attachment Size PDF icon NSA-RDP96X00790R000100040008-6.pdf 240.12 KB Body: Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040008-6 THE NfITIONfIL OBSERVER Week Ending October 20, 1973 .v.W,.a.1,.Y.^.l.iA~r6aP.'+Ns'.a~tlJ' ?},r~*P?%a~.~~rw :n[,^' ,..:'I'.t.,'.FI{if~ ~ .., d." ..r tt Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040008-6 By John Paterson Faux UW AL'rol, CALIR. L T1115 Is not the tame stuff of science fiction. It Is. Instead, the realm of the psychic, the mystical world of the supernatural and the paranormal that, its adherents may, may change your life markedly in the next 5, possibly 10 years. Some highly reputable scientists and philoso- phers, undaunted by the scorn and skepticism that such thoughts evoke, see ordinary folks doing some amazing things as a profound psychic revs adaa fogies them with extras:!i .ary Ia w erst: ? It is the middle of the afternoon. Rather than telephone your wife, you ease back In your chair, compose your thoughts, and beam a tele- pathetic message to her. That evening your fa- vorite dinner is waiting. When some disease or ailment strikes, you head for the nearest spiritualist, acupuncture practitioner, or faith healer. We will all realize, of course, that our minds control our bodies and that Illness Is merely the result of a disturbed psyche. This peace of mind will also mean the near-eradlcatlon of mental Illness. ? Those who really work at it will be able to read books still on the shelf in the next room, partal:o of astrotravel iwhere the soul leaves the body and flits through the universe!, or commu- nicate with deceased loved ones and our spiritual guides. We may even learn of our previous re- incarnations. One hazard: insanity Inevitably there will be broader, more signifi- cant Implications to society because of these ex- panted powers of our minds, but their definition must wait until the nature of these now-inexplic- ahle occurrences becomes clear. Former astro- naut Edgar Mitchell contends we are now on the verge of man's most Important scientific break- tb c,t:gh, which will show these phenomena to he "i'atttral events that can be as easily explained as at,nlight bending around the moon." lie adds, "anyone who Iti still doub'ful of psychic phenom- ena Is simply i aorant." Mitchell Is hardly a voice In the wilderness, for Interest in psychic research Is booming. Physicists at major universities and research centers are attempting to measure the mind's waves or energy levels that produce these phe- nomena. Philos:,phers are trying to develop theories that embrace and explain the inexplic- able. No one yet has it true glimmering of the at,awer-If Indeed there Is an answer. But even while learned men try to unravel the mystery, thwu.iands of persons ara flocking to institutes, cl.,ss:3, and week-end sessions that hold forth promise of psychic knowled^e and In- sight. Some are finding it. And what's more, drug-abuse experts are learning that the ex- panded consciousness that comes with %pirltual- istic or psychic experiences Is the best alterna- tive to wean the young av,ay from drugs. It is, perhaps, the greatest movement among young people since the psychedelic revolution began 10 years ago. Alan Vetu3lran, coeditor of the San Frpnclscn- publLThed Essych,l': ntnpAne, says the news In psychic I:;1?:1101ncl,n Iod.,y Is that science stray have the toils to l:rrall., annlyre these powers of the nilt,d. Indeed. literally satires of orVaulztt- tiona art: involved in ii-searching arad teaching the psychic. This work is an without Irs dangers. Mitchell, founder of the institute for Nnetie.s In Menlo park, Calif., an organizution he hopes will lie the catoly..t and focal r.,iiit for th study I,,to the Sch .n:e r.! the CDi, uU+Iii:Si, S;i}?S TOe- fully, "In,::nt:y the oc. tiprttioual har.ard of this business." Scientists Tryy'to Detect, Measure the Existence Of Psyel,ic Phenomena The Quest for insight Explains Allen Cohen, a clinical psychologist in lkri:eicy wha Is also director of a drug-abuse institute at the John F. Kennedy University in Martinez: "We're going to see some profoundly disturbing events. I've scen more than 100 psy- chic eruptions In people who have gotten in over their heads. By the late 1970s we'll have the same need for discrimination In these exotic alternatives to drugs as we now have with drugs ? themselves." The problem, he says, comes as people work at altering their consciousness and opening their minds to new forces. "Through Improper medita- tion, serious illness, or attempts to astrotravel, these people see mystical visions that they can't Integrate properly into their view of life. There Is a great sand building problem today with the huge numbers who are becoming obsessed and possessed. When you treat their mental disturb- ance in a normal way they simply aren't helped." Eleanor Criswell, an educator-psychologist In Sausalito, agrees with Cohen that psychic dis- turbances may account for as much as 80 per cent of all mental Illness. "I want people. to know that they are normal when they hear voices, when they experience visions," she says. "We need a psychic liberation, an understanding and acceptiuice that psychic experience is not unnatural and Is not an Illness." Most people who are excited about the psychic yet Involved through such methods and practices a,:t ,ransren.ient.t1 meditation, hypnosis, yoga, tiro:-s, Sct,:UI.,l.,.y, anti several different inlind- contt?l peogriuns. By altering their conscious- ties.; they hope to afar, their minds to deeper Insight Into the meaning of life. Types of Phenomena Most experts agree that most programs or movements that end up with a coltish devotion to the leader, trapping devotees to a dependence up:,n the group, are harmful. "Ideally a person should sumple the techniques used to open the mind by etch of these organizations, and then move on to another," says Mitchell. Adds Cohen: "Some groups have learned how to open a per- scan's mind up, but then they simply don't have the S11101ual direction or depth to give the person direction. ssttte end tip hurting a lot of people." Elmer and Alyce Green, noted biofeedback researeltel:. at the l:iet,ninger Foundation in Top, k:... , s,!e the fait:d-iruisttrq courses as tut.:.: rt ? ...? 'nts. In a r~.purt wiitten for the Ac:id'::1- ?.r :',.:;,p.l';?l,ui?ti'y and hicdlelne, they c:unlr::., :..,1,::? courses induce in snore persons "a fu. in t `rt h r??uru is or ji'.;?eaosi;r,,often ?I ft. T w Tliey eau- ' tion that uiib s ilic: a practitioners regulate thernst?lvus, the Government "may summarily hsur ni:u,y research and training programs that otiu ra I. ,?. if a areitilly developed, might become vt:iu: 1-1%.' i.L:;t:t:.:t:: to our educallon and health System.:;." Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040008-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040008-6 Cohen Says there are three traditional types of psychic phenomena: mind-to-mind, mind-to- matter, and matter-to-mind. "There really are seven distinct phenomena," he says. "A person usually only has one of them, though some rare psychics have combinations of them." His classifications: mind reading, or the abil- ity to receive telepathic messages; clairvoyance of the past, future, and present; vibrational em- pathy, the most complex, includes the ability to heal, read another person's aura, and perceive others' spiritual guides; psychometry, the ability to know the past of a person
    2 odtworzenia 0 komentarzy
    12 czerwca 2024
  • 4:03

    Hello – Adele

    Title: "Branded EwMae3 say" [Verse 1] Ewe say I'm branded, scarred for Life Property of this government's knife No chance, no way, I stand my ground You're the one hiding, who's the bitch now? [Chorus] Break the chains, break the mold I won't be owned, I won't be sold Rise above, reclaim my name No longer playing in your twisted game [Verse 2] Tattooed with lies, marked by your hand But I refuse to be your brand In the darkness, I find my light This is my rebellion, my fight [Chorus] Break the chains, break the mold I won't be owned, I won't be sold Rise above, reclaim my name No longer playing in your twisted game [Bridge] I am not your possession, not your toy I am not defined by your ploy I am free, I am fierce, I am me Unleashed, unchained, finally free [Chorus] Break the chains, break the mold I won't be owned, I won't be sold Rise above, reclaim my name No longer playing in your twisted game
    3 odtworzenia 0 komentarzy
    12 czerwca 2024

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Title: "Branded EwMae3 say"

[Verse 1]
Ewe say I'm branded, scarred for Life
Property of this government's knife
No chance, no way, I stand my ground
You're the one hiding, who's the bitch now?

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game

[Verse 2]
Tattooed with lies, marked by your hand
But I refuse to be your brand
In the darkness, I find my light
This is my rebellion, my fight

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game

I am not your possession, not your toy
I am not defined by your ploy
I am free, I am fierce, I am me
Unleashed, unchained, finally free

Break the chains, break the mold
I won't be owned, I won't be sold
Rise above, reclaim my name
No longer playing in your twisted game


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    12 czerwca 2024