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Tekst piosenki: Mississippi

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Where you can hear a country song from far
And someone play the honky tonk guitar
Where all the lights will go out one by one
The people join the sun
And the wind takes it away
Where the Mississippi rolls down to the sea
And lovers found the place they like to be
How many times before this song was ending
Love and understanding everywhere around
Mississippi,I'll remember you
Whenever I should go away
I'll be longing for the day
That I will be in Greenville again
Mississippi,you'll be on my mind
Everytime I hear this song
Mississippi roll along until the end of time
Now the country song forever lost it's soul
When the guitar player turned to rock'n'roll
And everytime when summernights are falling
I always will be calling,dreams of yesterday
Mississippi,I'll remember you
Whenever I should go away
I'll be longing for the day
That I will be in Greenville again
Mississippi,you'll be on my mind
Everytime I hear this song
Mississippi roll along,until the end of time
Everytime my hear this song
Mississippi roll along,until the end of time

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Pussycat ..zespół muzyczny pochodzący z Holandii, który zyskał w latach 70. XX wieku popularność na rynku europejskim. Grupa założona przez siostry Tonny, Betty i Marianne Kowalczyk (ich ojciec był polskim żołnierzem osiadłym po wojnie w Holandii) początkowo nazywała się "Sweet Reaction", w roku 1975 zmieniono nazwę na "Pussycat". Nagrali kilka albumów. Ich największymi przebojami były m. in.: - Georgie - Smile - Mississippi

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