Sleeping AwakeP.O.D.


Sleeping Awake


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Tekst piosenki: Sleeping Awake

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Reveal to me the mysteries
Can you tell me what it means?
Explain these motions and metaphors
Unlock these secrets in me
Describe your vision, the meaning is missing
Won't anybody listen?
Define the riddles of my mind
Nothing is really what it seems
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Sleeping Awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel what I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping
Can you see it? The writing,
Can you tell me what it means?
Translate the symbols, Enigma
Expressions keep questioning me
The message is written, the meaning is
Won't anybody Listen?
Prophesy, interpretatethe signs
Nothing is really what it seems
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Sleeping Awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel what I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
And do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
And do you feel like I feel?
And can you dream like I dream?
Do you see what I see?!
Can you hear what I hear?!
Or do you feel like I feel?!
Or do you dream like I dream?!
Anybody see me?!
Anybody hear me?!
Anybody feel me?!
Anybody out there?!?
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Sleeping awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel what I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Do you see what I see?
And can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Anybody see me?!
Anybody hear me?
Anybody feel me?!
Anybody out there?!?

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


P.O.D. (skrót od ang. Payable on Death – Płatne przy Śmierci) – amerykańska grupa numetalowa. Choć jej członkowie są chrześcijanami, a ich teksty nawiązują do wiary, muzycy unikają etykietki zespołu chrześcijańskiego. P.O.D. został założony w 1992 roku w USA w Southtown, dzielnicy San Diego w (Kalifornii), w pobliżu granicy Stanów Zjednoczonych z Meksykiem przez dwóch przyjaciół – perkusistę Noaha Charlesa Bernardo i byłego gitarzystę Marcosa Curiela.

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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