Sign of the wolfPentagram


Sign of the wolf


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Tekst piosenki: Sign of the wolf

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

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A lone soul at night
Sits and bays at the moon
Though sometimes he's a man it's a Pentagram
Shogun blasts as
He runs with the wind
But he just can't win it's the Pentagram
And now don't know how
But it's happening to me
Got the love from above
But it's happening to me
Black cloud hang
And it just won't leave
Though be tries to believe it's a Pentagram
Hard to conceive
And he wants to perceive
But he's destined to grieve
It's the Pentagram
Now don't know but it's happening to me
Got the love from above
But it's happening to me
I can't turn back now
Stories unfold but
They've all been told
When he sold his soul to the Pentagram
And to end his life
Though the silver is old
He will reach his goal by the Pentagram
And now don't know how
But it's happening to me
Got the love from above
But it's happening to me
Tell me one more time
Now don't know how
But it's happening to me
Got the love from above
But it's happening to me
It's alright
I can't turn back now
Cause it's the sign of the wolf

Brak tłumaczenia!


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Pentagram to amerykańska heavy-metalowa grupa z Virginii uważana za pionierów stylu doom metal. Zaczynali w latach 70. XX w. na 'undergroundowej scenie' produkując wiele wersji demo, nie wypuszczając długometrażowego albumu aż do lat 80., nagrywając nowy materiał w zupełnie nowym składzie. W całej historii Pentagram jedynym stałym członkiem zespołu był wokalista Bobby Liebling. W ciągle zmieniającej się formacji przewinęło się wiele respektowanych nazwisk ze środowiska doom metal

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