Puschel Paula

@paulinanataliabara Bad Segeberg


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ery thanks for your lovely comments, I am really happy of this that you like it when I sing, I know thats not the best record but I leran by doing
I have problems with polish languages thats why I write in English! Dziekuje Bardzo🙂🙂🙂🙂

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Kilka słów o mnie

ery thanks for your lovely comments, I am really happy of this that you like it when I sing, I know thats not the best record but I leran by doing
I have problems with polish languages thats why I write in English! Dziekuje Bardzo🙂🙂🙂🙂


  • 🎧🎧 Ulubiony gatunek muzyki:
    Metallica. Michael Jackson,Kelly Family
  • 👍👍 Lubię:
    ,Rock, Metal,
  • 📖📖 Ulubiona książka:
    Harry Potter,Twilight,
  • 🎬🎬 Ulubiony film:
    Trible X final destination1-5,Conan, Terminator,


  • Nagrań:
  • Łącznie odsłuchań:
  • Odwiedzin profilu:
  • Na iSing od:
    17 września 2012