If you go away (Ne me quitte pas) – Patricia Kaas ›
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Tekst piosenki: If you go away
If you go away
On this summer day
Then you might as well
Take the sun away
All the birds that flew
In a summer sky
When our love was new
And our hearts were high
When the day was young
And the night was lo-ong
And the moon stood still
For the night birds song
If you go away,
If you go away,
If you go away
But if you stay
I'll make you a day
Like no day has been
Or will be again
We'll sail on the sun,
We'll ride on the rain
We'll talk to the trees
And worship the wind
Then if you go-o
I'll understand
Leave me just enough
Love to fill up my hand
If you go away,
If you go away
If you go away
As I know you must
There'll be nothin' left
In the world to trust
Just an empty room
Full of empty space
Like the empty look
I see on your face
Can I tell you now
As you turn to go
I'll be dying slowly
Till your next hello
If you go away,
If you go away,
But if you stay
I'll make you a day
Like no day has been
Or will be again
We'll sail on the sun,
We'll ride on the rain
We'll talk to the trees
And worship the wind
Then if you go-o
I'll understand
Leave me just enough
Love to fill up my hand
If you go away,
If you go away,
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas;
Brak tłumaczenia!
Patricia Kaas (ur. 5 grudnia 1966 r. w Forbach) to francuska piosenkarka obdarzona charakterystycznym niskim głosem, której muzykę można określić jako mieszankę popu, jazzu i chanson. Jej muzyczna kariera rozpoczęła się w roku 1987 r. wraz z wydaniem singla Mademoiselle chante le blues, który okazał się wielkim przebojem. W 2002 r. Patricia, u boku Jeremy’ego Ironsa, zadebiutowała jako aktorka w filmie Claude’a Leloucha Piano Bar (And Now. Read more on Last.fm
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