She keeps me up – Nickelback ›
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Tekst piosenki: She keeps me up
She's got me nervous
Talkin' a hundred miles an hour
She's more than worth it
I swear she smells just like a flower
I'd fall to pieces
If I went anywhere without her
I love when she says
what's wrong with right here on the counter?
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
I need her so bad
Sometimes I feel like I can taste it
This evil romance
So good I never wanna waste it
I can't trust my friends
'Cause she's what everybody chases
I know where she's been
'Cause it's on everybody's faces
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
I never wanna have to slow down
Got to be a better way to come down
I've gotta stay awake some how
I never wanna have to slow down
Got to be a better way to come down
I've gotta stay awake some how
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
Funky little monkey she's a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca-Cola roller-coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night
(all night)
All night
(all night)
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Nickelback - grupa rockowa, założona w 1995 roku w Kanadzie. Od kilku lat cieszy się ogromną popularnością, szczególnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Nickelback związany był z wytwórnią Roadrunner Records, a od tego roku nagrali swój ósmy album studyjny "No Fixed Address" pod szyldem Republic Records. Jej członkowie to: * Chad Kroeger - gitara elektryczna, wokal * Ryan Peake - gitara elektryczna, chór, wokal wspomagający * Mike Kroeger - gitara basowa Read more on Last.fm
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