

My Chemical Romance

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Tekst piosenki: Helena

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Long ago
Just like the Hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you
Burning on
Just like the match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take
From every heart you break?
And like the blade you'll stain
Well, I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Came a time
When every star fall
Brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take
From every heart you break?
And like a blade you'll stain
Well, I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Well, if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

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My Chemical Romance - amerykański zespół założony w 2001 roku w New Jersey. My Chemical Romance wystąpili w Polsce tylko raz, 17 czerwca 2011 roku na Orange Warsaw Festival. 22 marca 2013 roku na oficjalnej stronie zespół ogłosił zakończenie działalności. Skład: * Gerard Way – wokal, teksty utworów * Ray Toro – gitara prowadząca, wokal * Frank Iero – gitara, wokal * Mikey Way - gitara basowa Byli członkowie: Read more on Last.fm

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