Mia p

@mia123mia123 Warsaw


Kilka słów o mnie

Zobacz więcej

Hi my name is Mia and I moved to the Polish when I was 14 years old🙂🙂 Now I live in Warsaw, it is beautiful here, but am moving soon back to the UK, (I'm interested in playing the guitar and playing the drums.

Najnowsze nagrania

  • 2:01

    Buena – Blue Cafe

    hey dear🙂🙂 This song is not only the band Blue Cafe song bleeding love🙂🙂
    249 odtworzeń 5 komentarzy
    29 czerwca 2011
  • 2:55

    Grenade – Bruno Mars

    Hey, if that confused the two songs, tik tok and california gurls, I hope you enjoy the following🙂🙂)
    201 odtworzeń 5 komentarzy
    28 czerwca 2011
  • 2:47

    If I were a boy – Beyoncé

    Sorry, but no iSingu this song so I took the karaoke from the cell, and the name of this song is a teenage dream-Katy Perry😉😉 Not recorded on, because I began to stutter; /
    251 odtworzeń 9 komentarzy
    28 czerwca 2011
  • 3:37

    Grenade – Bruno Mars

    Sorry, but no iSingu this song so I took the karaoke from the cell, and the name of this song is a teenage dream-Katy Perry😉😉
    225 odtworzeń 5 komentarzy
    28 czerwca 2011
  • 2:32

    Rolling in the deep – Adele

    This is my first video, so please do not be too harsh; (
    463 odtworzenia 9 komentarzy
    28 czerwca 2011

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Najnowsze wpisy

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Kilka słów o mnie

Hi my name is Mia and I moved to the Polish when I was 14 years old🙂🙂 Now I live in Warsaw, it is beautiful here, but am moving soon back to the UK, (I'm interested in playing the guitar and playing the drums.


  • 🎤🎤 Śpiewanie dla mnie jest:
    something beautiful!! 😘😘
  • 🗣🗣 Mój głos brzmi podobnie do:
    I don't know xP
  • 🎧🎧 Ulubiony gatunek muzyki:
    PoP,rock,folk-rock 😉😉
  • 👍👍 Lubię:
    jelly beans
  • 👎👎 Nie lubię:
    spinach blehh!...😕😕


  • Nagrań:
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    28 czerwca 2011