Mama said – Metallica ›
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Tekst piosenki: Mama said
Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young:
"Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore it's done"
"The brightest flame burns quickest"
That's what I heard her say
Son's heart sowed to mother
But I must find my way
Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Yeah, still
Rebel - my new last name
Wild blood in my veins
Apron strings around my neck
The mark that still remains
Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done
Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Never I asked of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still
Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
Unspoken, help me be
Yeah, I took your love for granted
And all the things you said to me, yeah
I need your arms to welcome me
But a cold stone's all I see
Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still
Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still
Oh, oh, oh, woah
Never I asked of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
Never I asked of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still
Brak tłumaczenia!
Metallica jest metalowym (dawniej thrash metalowym) zespołem założonym w Los Angeles (USA) w 1981 roku przez Jamesa Hetfielda i Larsa Ulricha. Grupa jest uważana za najlepszy i najbardziej wpływowy zespół thrash metalowy lat 80. oraz najbardziej innowacyjny zespół metalowy drugiej połowy lat 80. i lat 90. Wraz z Megadeth, Anthrax i Slayerem zaliczana jest do wielkiej czwórki thrash metalu. Dzięki pierwszemu albumowi Metalliki o nazwie Kill 'em All grupa została uznana za twórcę nowego stylu - thrash metalu. Read more on Last.fm
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