Steep RoadMedicine Strings


Steep Road

Medicine Strings

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Tekst piosenki: Steep Road

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

1 You were the one I was dreaming about
And You were forever, so that I fought
And You knew I can do anything
Just to be so near,
Just to be Your thing
You were sure, that I will dying
And You were sure I will bleeding and crying,
That I am over and I will sinking -
If that;s what's on Your mind - just stop thinking!

I'm standing here and I look in Your eyes,
I see how You changed so I can supposed -
I wasn't the one who was bleeding

R: Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead
Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead

2 How can it be - now You look at me,
Why You feel gruge of thinks that I did,
Just like I should let myself crush,
Shouldn't catch the edge
Waiting for the flash
I never fought You're covard like no other,
Now I am sure and You're discovered
I hope now You see everything clear -
Like Your true face, not things You want to see

I'm standing here and I look in Your eyes,
I see how You changed so I can supposed -
I wasn't the one who was bleeding

R: Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead
Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead

I'm standing here and I look in Your eyes,
I see how You changed so I can supposed -
I wasn't the one who was bleeding

R: Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead
Rebirth was steep road from the hell
So You can't think that You created me
And If You've done anything to help,
Yea, You did one thing - You made me dead

Brak tłumaczenia!



Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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