


Kilka słów o mnie

Zobacz więcej

I got two thousand miles to run and no energy
To much to deal with, people keep telling me to run faster
A big world thates spinning night through day under me
Can't tell my up from down no more baby like i'm losing gravity

I wanna Runaway
Just the two of us and a new day

From: HONEY. ❤

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Kilka słów o mnie

I got two thousand miles to run and no energy
To much to deal with, people keep telling me to run faster
A big world thates spinning night through day under me
Can't tell my up from down no more baby like i'm losing gravity

I wanna Runaway
Just the two of us and a new day

From: HONEY. ❤


  • 🎤🎤 Śpiewanie dla mnie jest:
    ukojeniem. ❤


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    21 stycznia 2011