I had it all, now I have none...Magda Zdroik


I had it all, now I have none...

Magda Zdroik

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Tekst piosenki: I had it all, now I have none...

Teskt oryginalny: zobacz tłumaczenie ›

Tłumaczenie: zobacz tekst oryginalny ›

I had it all
Now I have none
My life's a mess
It's not much fun
I used to have love
I used to have friends
But now I'm alone
My heart just bends
Money and fame
They came and went
I thought they'd stay,
But they were just a trend
I had it all
Or so I thought
But now I'm lost
My dreams are caught
I had it all
Now I have none
My life's a mess
It's not much fun
I used to have love
I used to have friends
But now I'm alone
My heart just bends
I miss the days
When life was bright
When everything
Felt just right
But now I'm here
With nothing to show
Just memories
Of a life ago
I had it all
Now I have none
My life's a mess
It's not much fun
I used to have love
I used to have friends
But now I'm alone
My heart just bends
I wish I could
Go back in time
And make things right
And make them mine
But now I'm here
With nothing to hold
Just a heart that's broken
And a story untold
I had it all
Now I have none
My life's a mess
It's not much fun
I used to have love
I used to have friends
But now I'm alone
My heart just bends

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

Inne piosenki Magda Zdroik (100)

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