Pray for Spanish EyesMadonna


Pray for Spanish Eyes


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Tekst piosenki: Pray for Spanish Eyes

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I know for sure his heart
Is here with me
Though I wish him back,
I know he cannot see
My hands trembling,
I know he hears me sing

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow

And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow

What kind of life is this if God exists?
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

He had to fight
Like all the rest
In the barrio all the streets
Are paved with fear
I don't understand,
At least he was a man

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow

And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow

What kind of life is this if God exists?
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

How many lifes will they have to take?
How much heartache?
How many suns will they have to burn?
Spanish eyes
When will they ever learn?

You were not the Maravilla
In our minds
We were proud to fight
But we cannot win this blind
Stand your guns against the wall
Who's next in line to fall

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow

And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes

And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow

What kind of life is this if God exists?
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

Tus lagrimas de tristeza
No me dejan olvidarte

How many lifes will they have to take?
How much heartache?
How many suns will they have to burn?
Spanish eyes
When will they ever learn?

Brak tłumaczenia!



Madonna, wł. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (ur. 16 sierpnia 1958 w Bay City, stan Michigan) to amerykańska piosenkarka i aktorka włoskiego pochodzenia, jedna z najbardziej znaczących kobiet w świecie muzyki. Laureatka sześciu nagród Grammy. Piosenkarka od dwudziestu trzech lat utrzymuje się na szczytach list przebojów, nagrywa utwory w wielu gatunkach muzycznych, przybiera dziesiątki wizerunków. Madonna wg Księgi Rekordów Guinnessa wydanej w 2006 roku jest najlepiej zarabiającą piosenkarką w historii muzyki pop. Read more on

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