Ain't That Just The Way Lutricia Mcneal


Ain't That Just The Way

Lutricia Mcneal

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Tekst piosenki: Ain't That Just The Way

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He was a very special warm and gentle person
Who put in music in the world and spoken in rhyme
And it hurts me that I never really knew him
‘Cause all it would have taken was some time
You know he always seemed to be there when I stumbled
And when mountains got to steep for me to climb
And it tears me up to think I never touched him
‘Cause all it would have taken was some time
Ain't that just the way that life goes Down, down, down,
Movin' way too fast or much too slow
Gettin' up, gettin' high, gettin' down Gettin'
No, no, nowhere
But not gettin' into someone I should know
Now he's in another place and I can't reach him
And I feel as though I'm guilty of a crime
I took all he had to give and gave him nothin'
And all it would have taken was some time
Ain't that just the way that life goes Down, down, down,
Movin' way too fast or much too slow
Gettin' up, gettin' high, gettin' down
Gettin' no, no, nowhere
But not gettin' into someone I should know
Ain't that just the way that life goes Down, down, down,
Down Movin' way too fast or much too slow
Gettin' up, gettin' high, gettin' down Gettin' no, no,
But not gettin' into someone I should know Gettin' up,
Gettin' high, gettin' down Gettin' no, no, nowhere
Gettin' up, gettin' high, gettin' down Gettin'
No, no, nowhere Gettin' up, gettin' high, gettin'
Down Gettin' no, no, nowhere Gettin' up, gettin' high,
Gettin' down Gettin' no, no, nowhere
Ain't that just the way that life goes Down, down, down,
Down Movin' way too fast or much too slow Gettin' up,
Gettin' high, gettin' down Gettin' no, no, nowhere
But not gettin' into someone I should know
Ain't that just the way that life goes Down, down, down,
Down Movin' way too fast or much too slow

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Lutricia McNeal to amerykańska wokalistka R&B, pop. Popularność zyskała w latach dziewięćdziesiątych, dzięki przebojom Someone Loves You Honey czy Stranded. Urodziła się w Oklahoma City, w USA. Dorastała w licznej rodzinie - wśród czterech braci i czterech sióstr. Na początku lat 90. odkryła Europę, a przede wszystkim Szwecję. Tam właśnie rozpoczęła współpracę z grupą producencką Rob'n'Raz. Uczestniczyła w ich projekcie Rob'n'Raz DLC - gdzie była wokalistką.

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