Katie Downson
@luciedownson Warsaw
Najnowsze nagrania
Stolen Dance – Milky Chance
I love Milky Chance and his beautiful Stolen Dance, so I felt I had to sing it. Enjoy!3 kwietnia 2014 -
When I Was Your Man – Bruno Mars
8 stycznia 2014 -
Resign – Luciedownson
8 stycznia 2014 -
Kate Sak - Read all about it – bubasak
My first film on youtube so please don't have a negative attitude in advance19 kwietnia 2013😃
The A Team – Ed Sheeran
I've been training on this tune for some loong time , hope you like it14 kwietnia 2013❤
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28 nagrań
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Kilka słów o mnie
Hi! My name is Katie and I am from Ohio in the USA, but my mum is Pole and I can speak polish a little. I hope you would like my songs. Czesc!
- Nagrań:
- 28
- Łącznie odsłuchań:
- 5729
- Odwiedzin profilu:
- 2226
- Na iSing od:
- 27 września 2011