

Louis Tomlinson

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Tekst piosenki: Walls

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Nothing wakes you up
Like waking up alone
And all that's left of us
Is a cupboard full of clothes
The day you walked away
And took the higher ground
Was the day that I became
The man that I am now
But these high walls, they came up short
Now I stand taller than them all
These high walls never broke my soul, and I
I watched them all come falling down
I watched them all come falling down for you
For you
Nothing makes you hurt
Like hurtin' who you love
And no amount of words
Will ever be enough
I looked you in the eyes, saw that I was lost
For every question "why"
You were my "because"
But these high walls, they came up short
Now I stand taller than them all
These high walls never broke my soul, and I
I watched them all come falling down
I watched them all come falling down for you
Falling down for you
So this one is a thank you
For what you did to me
Why is it that 'thank you's'
Are so often bittersweet
I just hope I see you one day
And you'll say to me
Oh, oh
But these high walls, they came up short
Now I stand taller than them all
These high walls never broke my soul, and I
I watched them all come falling down
I watched them all come falling down for you
Falling down for you
Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Louis Tomlinson (ur. 24.12.1991) 22-letni wokalista z Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Anglia. Członek zespołu One Direction (powstałego w 2010 r w programie X-factor). Na przesłuchaniu do programu zaśpiewał 'Hey there Delilah' zyskując 3 pozytywne opinie od jurorów. W etapie boot campu, on i 4 inni uczestnicy (Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik i Niall Horan) zostali połączeni w jeden zespół o nazwie One Direction. W programie zajęli 3 miejsce.

Słowa: brak danych
Muzyka: brak danych
Rok wydania: brak danych
Płyta: brak danych

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