Stillness of HeartLenny Kravitz


Stillness of Heart

Lenny Kravitz

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Tekst piosenki: Stillness of Heart

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I'm out here on the street
There's no one left to meet
The things that were so sweet
No longer move my feet
But I keep trying
I keep on trying
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart
I got more than I can eat
A life that can't be beat
Yet still I feel this heat
I'm feeling incomplete
What am I buying?
My soul is crying
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart
Where's the love?
What is this world we live in?
Where's the love?
We've got to keep on giving
Where's the love?
What happened to forgiving?
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart
All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart

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Lenny Kravitz, właściwie Leonard Albert Kravitz (ur. 26 maja 1964 roku w Brooklynnie, miasto Nowy Jork w stanie Nowy Jork) - amerykański muzyk łączący w swojej twórczości rock, pop i funk; wokalista, gitarzysta, basista, perkusista, autor tekstów i kompozytor, producent. Wśród jego wzorców muzycznych są Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Curtis Mayfield i Stevie Wonder. Jest muzycznym samoukiem. Jedyne dziecko Seymoura "Sy" Kravitza (ur. Read more on

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