Young and Beautiful (Original) – Lana Del Rey


Young and Beautiful (Original)

Lana Del Rey

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Tekst piosenki: Young and Beautiful

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I've seen the world, done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now
Hot summer nights, mid July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child
Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I've got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
I've seen the world, lit it up
As my stage now
Channeling angels in a new age now
Hot summer days, rock and roll
The way you play for me at your show
And all the ways, I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul
Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I've…
Dear lord, when I get to heaven
Please let me bring my man
When he comes tell me that you'll let him in
Father tell me if you can
All that grace, all that body
All that face, makes me wanna party
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I've got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful?
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Lana Del Rey – pod tym intrygującym pseudonimem scenicznym skrywa urodzona w Nowym Jorku 32-letnia piosenkarka. Można powiedzieć, że całe swoje dzieciństwo spędziła w niewielkiej, nowojorskiej miejscowości o nazwie Lake Placid. Jej ojcem jest Robert Grant – sprzedawca domen internetowych. Już od dzieciństwa rozwijała swoje umiejętności w kierunku muzycznym śpiewając w chórku kościelnym, czy na szkolnych uroczystościach. Była również modelką magazynu Ford i pozowała dla kampanii reklamowych Hollistera. Read more on

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