


Kilka słów o mnie

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Hi! We are from England and was not long ago came to the Polish. Well we can not speak Polish but I think that is about to learn. It is us 6. We are very good friends and the three of us sisters. We love to sing. About this site we learned from our friend. I think that somehow speaks here.
We are big fans of My Little Pony. You may laugh but we really love it and so far we are not going to like you stop the ponies. There are six of us just like ponies. Here's our squad:
Rainbow Dash-Emily
Pinky Pie-Alex
Twilight Sparkle-Lucy
in the picture are only three sisters:
Emily, Susan and Meg

Now, unfortunately, translate it by the translator, because I do not know how Polish

Cześć ! Jesteśmy z Angli i nie dawno przyjechaliśmy do Polski. Nie umiemy dobrze mówić po polsku ale myślimy że niedługo sie nauczymy. Jest nas 6 .Jesteśmy bardzo dobrymi przyjaciółkami a trzy z nas to siostry. Bardzo lubimy śpiewać. O tej stronie dowiedziałyśmy się od naszej znajomej .Myślę że jakoś sie dogadamy tutaj .
Jesteśmy wielkimi fankami My little pony .Mozecie sie śmiać ale my to bardzo kochamy i jak narazie nie mamy zamiaru przestawać te kucyki lubić. Jest nas sześć tak samo jak kucyków. Oto nasz skład :
Rainbow Dash-Emily
Pinky Pie-Alex
Twilight Sparkle-Lucy
na zdjęciu sa tylko trzy siostry :
Emily, Susane i Meg

po dodaniu jakiegos nagrania postaramy się to przetłumaczyć na polski
To co jest po polsku to wszystko jest przetłumaczone przez translator sory!!!

Najnowsze nagrania

  • 2:40

    Rolling in the deep – Adele

    The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid a little quiet but I think it is well Now, recorded in August only Emily, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the chorus girls We break down the microphone and, that is why you hear such abuzzing and beeping Can you hear that from playbecka but we sing, and if you think that it is not difficult but we are already in the description of how we said that we love My little pony and just sing songs from the ponies any other non and now in Polish: trochę cicho ale myślę że jest dobrze Teraz nagrywała sie tylko Emily-Rainbow Dash,a reszta dziewczyn to chórek mikrofon nam sie psuje i dlatego słychać takie brzęczenie i piszczenie Może słychać że z playbecka ale to my śpiewamy i jeżeli uważecie że to nie my to trudno ale jak juz w opisie mówiłyśmy że uwielbiamy My little pony i śpiewamy tylko piosenki z kucyków żadnych innych nie a teraz po polsku
    267 odtworzeń 6 komentarzy
    2 sierpnia 2012
  • 3:19

    I will always love you – Whitney Houston

    It is not I will always love you just the song Winter Wrap Up a little quiet but we think it is well microphones, something sour lyrics🙁🙁Rainbow Dash-Emily) Three months of winter coolness And awesome holidays (Pinkie Pie-Alex) We've kept our hoofsies warm at home Time off from work to play. (Applejack-Susane) But the food we've stored is runnin' out And we can't grow in this cold. (Rarity-Kate) And even though I love my boots This fashion's getting old. (Twilight Sparkle-Lucy) The time has come to welcome spring And all things warm and green. But it's also time to say goodbye It's winter we must clean. How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do? How do I fit in without magic? I haven't got a clue. (Multiple) Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. (Rainbow Dash-Emily) Bringing home the southern birds, A pegasus's job begins. And clearing all the gloomy skies To let the sunshine in. We move the clouds And we melt the white snow. When the sun comes up Its warmth and beauty will glow. (Multiple) Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. (Rarity-Kate) Little critters hibernate Under the snow and ice. (Fluttershy-Meg) We wake up all the sleepy heads So quietly and nice, (Rarity-Kate) We help them gather up their food, Fix their homes below, (Fluttershy-Meg) We welcome back the southern birds So their families can grow. (Multiple) Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. (Applejack-Susane) No easy task to clear the ground Plant our tiny seeds With proper care and sunshine Everyone it feeds. Apples, carrots, celery stalks, Colorful flowers too. We must work so very hard, It's just so much to do. (Multiple) Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. (Twilight SparkleLucy) Now that I know what they all do I have to find my place And help with all of my heart Tough task ahead I face. How will I do without my magic, Help the earth pony way? I want to belong so I must Do my best today, Do my best today. (Multiple) Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! (Twilight Sparkle-Lucy_) 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here. 'Cause tomorrow spring is here! and now in Polish!!!! To nie jest I will always love you tylko piosenka Winter Wrap Up trochę cicho ale myślimy że jest dobrze!! mikrofony cos nam sie popsuły
    420 odtworzeń 10 komentarzy
    30 lipca 2012

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Kilka słów o mnie

Hi! We are from England and was not long ago came to the Polish. Well we can not speak Polish but I think that is about to learn. It is us 6. We are very good friends and the three of us sisters. We love to sing. About this site we learned from our friend. I think that somehow speaks here.
We are big fans of My Little Pony. You may laugh but we really love it and so far we are not going to like you stop the ponies. There are six of us just like ponies. Here's our squad:
Rainbow Dash-Emily
Pinky Pie-Alex
Twilight Sparkle-Lucy
in the picture are only three sisters:
Emily, Susan and Meg

Now, unfortunately, translate it by the translator, because I do not know how Polish

Cześć ! Jesteśmy z Angli i nie dawno przyjechaliśmy do Polski. Nie umiemy dobrze mówić po polsku ale myślimy że niedługo sie nauczymy. Jest nas 6 .Jesteśmy bardzo dobrymi przyjaciółkami a trzy z nas to siostry. Bardzo lubimy śpiewać. O tej stronie dowiedziałyśmy się od naszej znajomej .Myślę że jakoś sie dogadamy tutaj .
Jesteśmy wielkimi fankami My little pony .Mozecie sie śmiać ale my to bardzo kochamy i jak narazie nie mamy zamiaru przestawać te kucyki lubić. Jest nas sześć tak samo jak kucyków. Oto nasz skład :
Rainbow Dash-Emily
Pinky Pie-Alex
Twilight Sparkle-Lucy
na zdjęciu sa tylko trzy siostry :
Emily, Susane i Meg

po dodaniu jakiegos nagrania postaramy się to przetłumaczyć na polski
To co jest po polsku to wszystko jest przetłumaczone przez translator sory!!!


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    30 lipca 2012