You're In Love With A Psycho – Kasabian ›
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Tekst piosenki: You're In Love With A Psycho
You know it's the place I need
But you got me walking circles like a dog on a lead
And the doctors say I'm crazy, that I'm eight miles thick
I'm like the taste of macaroni on a seafood stick
And you got me switched on, baby, like electric eel
And I'm tight with Axel Foley, that's just how I feel
Like a grapefruit and a magic trick, the prodigal son
I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking, I walk so quick
And it just don't mean a thing
We've been waiting far too long
We'll play it out again
This is just my serenade
You're in love with a psycho
You're in love with a psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it
I got you running all around it
You're in love with a psycho
You're in love with a psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it
You never gonna be without it
Jibber jabber at the bargain booze
And reciting Charles Bukowski, I got nothing to lose
And I wait for you to follow me to share my chips
But you're walking, you're walking,
You walk, you walk so quick
Nobody's gonna take you there
I stick around for the thousand yard stare
I go to sleep in a duffle bag
I'm never up, never down, down, down, down
Hey, you're in love with a psycho
You're in love with a psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it
I got you running all around it
You're in love with a psycho
You're in love with a psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it
You never gonna be with
You're in love with a psycho
You're in love with a psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it
I got you running all around it
You're in love with a psycho
Tu amor es muy loco
And there's nothing you can do about it
You never gonna be without it
Brak tłumaczenia!
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Kasabian to angielski zespół założony w 1997 r. w Leicester w Anglii, grający muzykę z gatunku rock alternatywny oraz indie rock, umiejętnie łącząc to z elektronicznymi brzmieniami. Początkowo funkcjonowali jako Saracuse, a ich obecna nazwa zaczerpnięta została od nazwiska Lindy Kasabian zamieszanej w zabójstwo Sharon Tate, żony Romana Polańskiego. Ich debiutancki album zatytułowany „Kasabian” ukazał się we wrześniu 2004 roku. Read more on Last.fm
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