Modern wayKaiser Chiefs


Modern way

Kaiser Chiefs

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Tekst piosenki: Modern way

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I know cause I've seen it
It was great and I want it
There's no point in sitting
Going crazy on my own

Do you know what
I was put here in the world for
Could you tell me
In three words or more?

It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here

Take a lesson
From the ones who have been there
My brain is not damaged
But in need of some repair

Hold on to the basics
But we can't change all our tactics
There's no point sitting
Going crazy on your own

It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here

This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as we come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
This is the modern way?

I know where I'm going
And that we are ever knowing
I will stop at nothing
Just to get what I want

It's the only way of getting out of here
It's the only way of getting out of here

This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking it as we come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
This is the modern way?

This is the modern way
Faking it everyday
Taking them as we come
We're not the only ones
Is that what we used to say
This is the modern way?

Brak tłumaczenia!


Brak teledysku


Alternatywna, brytyjska formacja Kaiser Chiefs powstała w 2003 roku w Leeds, jednak jej początki sięgają roku 1996 i grunge'owej grupy Parva. Jako, że muzycy są wiernymi kibicami drużyny Leeds United, nazwę Kaiser Chiefs zaczerpnęli od południowoafrykańskiego klubu piłkarskiego Kaizer Chiefs Football Club, w którym wcześniej grał Lucas Radebe - kapitan Leeds United. Debiutancki singiel zespołu, "Oh My God", ukazał się w maju 2004 roku nakładem Drowned In Sound Records i uplasował się na 66. Read more on

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