Unchain my heart – Joe Cocker ›
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Tekst piosenki: Unchain my heart
Unchain my heart
Baby let me be
'Cause you don't care
Let me
Set me free
Unchain my heart
Baby let me go
Unchain my heart
'Cause you don't love me no more
Every time I call you on the phone
Some fella tells me that you're not at home
Unchain my heart
Set me free
Unchain my heart
Baby let me be
Unchain my heart
'Cause you don't care about me
You've got me sowed up like a mellow case
But you let my love go to waste
Unchain my heart
Set me free
I'm under your spell
Like a man in a trance baby
Oh but you're no doubt aware
That I don't stand a chance
Unchain my heart
Let me go my way
Unchain my heart
You are in me night and day
Why leave me two a life of misery
When you don't care about the beans for me
Unchain my heart oh please
Set me free
I'm under your spell
Just like a man in a trance oh baby
But you're no doubt aware
That I don't stand a chance
Please unchain my heart
Let me go my way
Unchain my heart
You are in my night and day
Why leave me to a life of misery
When you don't care about the beans for me
Unchain my heart
Please set me free
Oh set me free
Oh woman why don't you do that for me
You don't care
Won't you let me go
That you don't love me no more
Like a man in a trance
Let me go
I'm under your spell
Like a man in a trance
And you're no doubt aware
That I don't stand a chance no
You don't care
Please set me free
Brak tłumaczenia!
Brak teledysku
Joe Cocker (ur. 20 maja 1944 r. w Sheffield w Anglii, zm. 22 grudnia 2014 w Kolorado), wokalista rockowy. Karierę muzyczną rozpoczynał w wieku 15 lat w zespole The Avengers pod pseudonimem scenicznym Vance Arnold. Później śpiewał w innych zespołach: Big Blues (1963), The Grease Band (1966). W roku 1969 wystąpił w angielskim programie telewizyjnym Ed Sullivan Show. Jego pierwszym wielkim przebojem był utwór With a Little Help from My Friends (cover utworu The Beatles). Read more on Last.fm
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